Mini May

In 2025, Mini May runs from 2 May to 1 June, and it applies to mum, dad and all children living at home.
Shower and access to the water park are included.

What is Mini May?

When you have a Mini May place with us, you are fixed in the month of May from 2 May to 1 June 2025.

It's a good way to try out resident life before you're ready to try a year-round, spring or autumn season at Bryrup Camping.


  • Standard seat DKK 3.300
  • Standard+ seat DKK 3.400
  • Super Space DKK 3.600
  • Comfort Space DKK 3.900

In addition, DKK 300 for electricity connection, and DKK 350 for prepayment of 100 kWh. Electricity consumption is settled by meter.

Dog: DKK 150