Mini June

Mini June runs in 2025 from 1 June to 29 June, and it applies to mum, dad and all children living at home.
Shower and access to the water park are included.

What is Mini June?

When you have a Mini June place with us, you are fixed in the month of June from 1 June to 29 June 2025.

It's a good way to try out resident life before you're ready to try a year-round, spring or autumn season at Bryrup Camping.


  • Standard seat DKK 3.300
    Standard+ seat DKK 3.400
    Super Space DKK 3.600
    Comfort Space DKK 3.900

In addition, DKK 300 for electricity connection, and DKK 350 for prepayment of 100 kWh. Electricity consumption is settled by meter.

Dog: DKK 150