Givskud Zoo

31 min | 37 km

Go to Givskud Zoo, also known as the Lion Park, and meet wild animals from all over the world.

Very close to the animals in Givskud Zoo

Get up close to the animals in Givskud Zoo. Take the family on safari in your own car or drive around the park with Givskud Zoo's safari bus.

Drive across the African savannah and experience how giraffes and zebras walk around on the road right in front of you. Also experience the many lions up close in the lions' dangerous territory.

Visit the large tropical house with the park's new predators. Experience when the South American giant otters are fed. Also see when elephants, gorillas and camels are fed.

Stop at the North American tipi camp and let the kids pan for gold like a real gold digger. Or let the children go on an adventure in the Safari train and try to feed animals.

Everything is possible at Givskud Zoo.

Givskud Zoo discount

Get a discount for Givskud Zoo. Buy the tickets at Bryrup Camping and skip the queue in the park.



10. December 2024

Season pitch at YELLOW PRICE

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Bryrup Camping wins a prestigious award

ACSI, which is a large Dutch camping organization, has given the prestigious award "Best campsite for children in Denmark" to Bryrup Camping in 2024. ACSI, which was established in 1965, sends… Read more


Grandparents Packages – 4 or 7 days

Offer: FROM NOK 1.695 incl. electricity consumption and shower - Possible in weeks 27, 28 and 32 - click in for further info and booking